Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's Been a Ghost Town....

I know, how long has it been? Our September has gotten away from me. I have kept checking people's blogs but have not been too inspired lately to write. I guess you can say things have been pretty low key, no emergency trips to the doctor of any sort.
Changing subjects.....I am already eagerly awaiting to start working on my post baby figure. I guess it's because I have been around my sister who had a baby 6 weeks ago and is fitting back into all of her jeans, no mushroom cap or muffin top either. The other day she told me she was released to run (she runs marathons and triathlons and any sort of lons that include moving). She ran four miles the other day and said she wasn't quite back to her 7 minute miles yet. Sheesh! I remember I ran 1 mile in high school and it was under 8 minutes. She reads my blog and I am okay with talking about her somewhat behind her back.
It maybe think of a picture I came across not too long ago. I seriously wonder if she actually carried the child, maybe she had a velco baby bump and had a surrogate deliver for her. Leave it to me and my scenarios, but seriously, can anyone be this skinny after having a baby? I remember thinking right after I had my babies that I felt like I could be a bikini model. Yes, you read that right. You just feel so light and skinny. Now looking back I could have maybe been a bikini model for the "before shot" to some diet plan on TV. I may do that for some accountability, take a before shot before I start working out again and see how far I come over the next few months after having him. That may be a little weird but it would probably keep me moving. I don't diet and will never diet. If I think about watching what I eat I will eat more than I would have in the first place. I like to eat healthy and I don't mind working out, so that will be my plan. I just may need to spend more than 30 minutes at the gym. I will say that I did say "no" to a thickburger my husband brought home, he's evil sometimes. Not really, he always says he likes to see me eat but if I kept those in my diet I would have a mushroom cap forever.


mari said...

Hey there! Please tell Joy we said congrats! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your sweet nephew. As for your postpartum figure-You always look terrific..immediately after delivery! We miss you. Can't wait to catch-up:)

Our life.... said...

whateve! you totally will be olive oil once again after baby 3 is here....
we can be gym buddies now:)....
maybe Sawyer will be the little eater that Seth is. That always helps the cause.

PS...Jonathan has offered to bring your first post delivery thick burger.