Monday, August 04, 2008

I should be ashamed....

So I don't really get too caught up in my baby weight that I gain. Yeah, sometimes I get a little disappointed when I've gained 6 lbs in a month but then other weeks/ months it evens out. My goal is to stay under a weight gain of 40lbs. Which is a pretty generous amount in most people's eyes. But hey I want to be realistic and not a fanatic. With my past pregnancies when I find out I'm pregnant, it is like an automatic 5 lbs jump on me with my positive test.
Needless to say, we found ourselves at Hardees on Saturday. Yes, Hardees. Who still eats at Hardees? We do, we both have an affection for their thickburgers. Those who know us, we always have restaurant coupons.
Of course, I ate my entire burger, I could have also eaten some fries if they had been ordered. I felt immediately guilty. In fact, I just looked up the nutritional value and here is why I should have felt guilty.

2/3lb Double Thickburger 1250 calories 90 grams of fat 2160 milligrams of sodium (were suppose to consume less than 2400mg a day)

So I know, cry me river. Never again.....I have posted about it and now this is my accountability.

PS I guess I need to quit complaining about my wedding rings not fitting because of my swollen fingers, geez!


Our life.... said...

i mean....seriously??....i've seen adds for the "little thickburgers"....maybe you should start ordering those? ha, i guess I can say that since I'm your sister ;)

Melissa said...

you are so funny. i mean, girl, come on, this is your last pregnancy. and you look fantastic. and if you want to eat a thickburger, go for it!! you need that protein! i'm glad that you ate it all. because i would have, too! just don't go too many times this week. :)

Sarah said...

Enjoy it and let it go! I agree with Melissa, you look great to be over halfway there and it would take a lot of thickburgers to really sink you. Did you check out the amount of calories it takes to chase two little boys all day while you looked up the burger? I bet it would be comparable!!!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

WE still eat at HARDEES...yum. Their burgers are the BEST!! And, I can so relate to the stuffing in the drawers . I still do....tried to organize (sigh)

emily freeman said...

When I was pregnant with the twins, my doctor told me to eat lots of fast food burgers. So there you go.

anne said... husband LOVES those.
Found you via Emily @ Chatting at the Sky...
I had to comment because I too am pregnant with my 3rd boy...and we traded in my beloved suv for what else...a van. :) We ended up with a Nissan Quest...I like to call her the green machine. :)
Nice to "meet" you!