Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Mom to the Rescue....

Ya'll are going to think I'm a little either OCD or maybe a little slow. But when it comes to organization "behind the scenes" I falter big time. When Pete and I got married I was a "stuffer". I would stuff my socks(not matched), my underwear, bras whatever underneath necessity I wore all together in drawers. It was such a rat's nest. Pete gave me the suggestion that he would help. All he did was cut two pieces of a box off and divided my drawers for me. 8 years later that "process" is still working. I still have my little dividers that give me a side for socks (that are still not matched up), but a lot easier to find, an underwear side etc. I say "process" because that's what it is to me. It's an extra step for me to take.
This brings me to our pantry. Oh how I wish I had a before picture. I just didn't think it was that bad and that it wasn't going to look that different. My mom has been helping me to get organized before baby #3 comes. I get overwhelmed easily especially when it gets closer to delivery time. I love things to be orderly I just have a hard time getting there and sticking to it. My mom helped me rearrange all my cabinets. Wow, I didn't realize I was such a stuffer there too. I had casserole dishes with lids that matched other pots that were across the kitchen. You can imagine underwear and socks thrown together X 10.
I explained that as far as the pantry we needed to be real elementary. I wanted bins that were labeled. We have those nice white shelving organizing things that are in every newer home that is built. However, it has been my nemesis, everything falls over and won't stand up. It was like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I kind of had a baking area and pasta area. But Pete could never find anything and so yet another source of frustration. Especially when people or I should say our family keeps the boys I want them to be able to find the snacks etc. So see below. Here it is and I LOVE it. I know it seems a little sparse because I am due to go grocery shopping. I realized this was the best time to organize when I didn't have a lot to pull out. As you can see my mom was way on board with this, her background is teaching kindergarten. Her handwriting and all. I have all of my cleaning supplies up top, along with activities for the boys to do(coloring, play dough etc) and then everything else below is our food. I think another plus to this way for categorizing, I will know what we are are in need of when I am making my list for the week to go to the store.
PS: (I spent $15.00 at the dollar store for all of my bins, I wanted white but I refused to go somewhere else and spend $3.99 each)


Our life.... said...

she needs to come to my house next....

Sarah said...

That is super cool, Meredith. I love it. I am celebrating the recent addition of a new pantry to our kitchen and that is such a great idea to use in ours. I am a stuffer too...totally get you, girl!

Sarah said...

That is super cool, Meredith. I love it. I am celebrating the recent addition of a new pantry to our kitchen and that is such a great idea to use in ours. I am a stuffer too...totally get you, girl!

Caroline said...

What is up with my sister repeating herself? Anyway, way to go you and Beth! I need to get her to come help organize our guest room closet. Maybe she could go into organization part-time seeing as how she's got some willing clients!

Monique said...

This inspires me to tackle my pantry. Right now the honey tips over regularly and ruins something just below it. And I have a storebought pie crust in there that I bought for Thanksgiving 2006and never used. It's time to say goodbye to it.

Melissa said...

i love seeing those Aldi brands stacked all nice and neat! i've been having a hankering to do the same, but then just try to rearrange and reorganize. it's not the same - so not the same as labeled bins!!