Friday, July 25, 2008

Mother of the Year Award

Yes, I most deserve this award. However, it would not be for being the "Best Mother", it would be more of an opposite of the "best mother of the year". Here goes my story...

Marschall hurt his foot, we think on Sat. He woke up Sunday limping. I'm thinking he's being a little dramatic, we tell him it will work itself out during the day etc. Monday we go to the Dairy Farm, he's still limping and it's starting to get a little worse. He is like hanging on me and complaining. I tell him at one point to "pull it together". To my defense there were no real signs of swelling.
I was suppose to take him on a little trip with just he and I to the mountains on Wed. to visit my best friend from college and her kids. I thought I may should take him to the doctor just to clear my conscious. So Tuesday, we go to the doctor and sure enough he had sprained his foot and strained one of his growth plates (whatever that means) it just didn't sound good. I felt terrible and am usually the mother that calls the nurse line anytime there is a fever or a weird bowel movement. This time, I wait it out, tell my child to pull it together and to basically be tough. Oh well, I kept thinking I was thankful it was not broken. If that had been the case I would not have probably shared any of this.


Our life.... said...

he's had an eventful summer...poison ivy, sprained foot....tough guy

Monique said...

I locked Mookie out on the deck by accident. I didn't even know I had done it until an hour later, when I heard a muffled "meow". Does that make you feel better?

Meredith Uber said...

Yeah, I'll tell Marschall that Mookie is one of your kids.