Friday, August 22, 2008

My Disdain for Wal-Mart

I know in the past I have mentioned how much I can't stand going to Wal-Mart. So I am checking out and this tiny tiny girl is ringing me up. She is probably 5'2" and weighs 90lbs and she is pregnant, I am not kidding. I though surely she is maybe 4 months. Even though she was tiny, her belly was definitely round. I was not going to even mention anything to her about her pregnancy... much less mine. Sure enough, she is like "When are you due"?, I casually let out a "whew" and say "November". Then my diarrhea mouth says "when are you due"? She says "October", I'm like
"wow you are so little!". She says "yeah... now I don't feel so bad". Geez, thanks for the compliment, just what I needed after my kid has screamed for 10 minutes not wanting to sit in his seat and the other one has hounded me during the whole shopping trip to get his UNO cards that I promised to buy him. I am done for the day. All done I say. I just want to sit in my bed and eat thickburgers for the rest of the afternoon.


Our life.... said...

might join you for some thickburgers....;)

Melissa said...

hope you went by the drivethru on the way home. don't believe everything you hear. ;) maybe she was having a little DOTM, too.

Caroline said...

I'm with you on the Wal-Mart thing. In fact, I just did a post where I created an entire album of Wal-Mart songs. Its pretty funny if I do say so myself! Don't let that girl get you down. From what I remember when we were at Grace, you were such a beautiful pregnant woman.

Marshall Benbow said...

I've said it before and I will say it again - you are one of the funniest writes that I read. Seriously. You should have a column. You make me laugh out loud.

Marshall Benbow said...

PS I tagged you in a blog post that will come out on my blog in a day or so. Here is what you do
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


beth said...

Mernie, what can I just say it like it pretense, just raw feeling. So glad my eldest can fess up to her know this quality will lengthen your life...sure you want to do that? love, your mom

anne said...

You wanna talk fatty...come visit me. A close friend of mine is pregnant now too, she is due a month earlier and I'm larger. What can I say? I love my thickburgers :)
Oh long as I lose'll all be over soon. :)