Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Good Wife???!!!!

Where do I begin? This was sent to me as a joke. But it is a documented, advice giving article from Good Housekeeping in the year of 1955 AD. I laughed, then my mouth dropped and then I thought I have got to pass this on. I was going to write what I thought was somewhat true of a "good wife" (which I personally dislike any term that rates our "goodness" by our actions) and then what I thought to be outlandish. I don't feel the need to explain/vouch for any of it. This is the time when my grandparents were raising kids. I need to further discuss this with my grandmother's and get their perspective.

PS. Now, remember even if he stays out all night, don't question him.
(I had to comment on that one.)


Our life.... said...

ahh, yes, "the good wife"...i love it...looks like i have mucho amounts of work before i get there:
1)99.9% of the time when JD comes home I am drenched in wet work out clothes, smell like sweet, and look like i just went through an automatic car wash machine....
2)light a fire?? well, with the fire would come the nice aroma of fresh burnt hair...i hate matches ;) i think JD would even tell me not to do that for the sake of us all!
3)Minimize all noise? well, if we could get the dang hickory nuts from falling on the roof, it might be a little more quiet ;)
....isn't it good to know not what Good Housekeeping, or Ladies Journal (is that even a magazine?? ;) says about being a wife....but what the Lord says :) So thankful to have a husband that loves the Lord and me for me....and not just because i have one heck of a plain, organic, semi-hot meal for him each night when we finally eat dinner! Wow how times have changed :)
I'm excited about that Titus 2 study to open my eyes to even more of what the Bible says about "womanhood"....ehh, that words sounds old....whatever, I'm still a just a girl. I'll be 80 and calling myself just a girl. You can be the woman between the 2 of us!! ;)

Marshall Benbow said...

I don't get what's so funny - this is pretty much how life goes at the Benbow house.

Running With Hope said...

Yeah, right Marshall. Okay, so this one drove me crazy (not the listening, but the reasoning behind the listening): # Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.
# Don't greet him with complaints and problems.
***How degrading, no wonder the women's movement happened soon after that! I'm so glad that the Benbow house is NOT like this, but equal and REAL!