Tuesday, May 06, 2008

And Baby makes Five....

Yes, you read that right!
We are moving into becoming a family of five. I am almost done with my first trimester. (10 weeks and 2 days, but almost done with first trimester sounds like I am a lot further along!)
We had always talked about having a third baby and a surprise to us... baby came along sooner than expected!
Needless to say why my blogging has fallen off the face of the earth. I go through my day clearing paths just to walk in our house. Pete actually had the gall to say he realized how much I do around here.(Because our house looks like a tornado has hit since we found out about the pregnancy)I think I'll take it as a compliment though because I know someday soon I will feel better and I will pull myself together and life will get back to the way it was. Beautifully clean house with everything in order.... yeah right.
So what does having third baby mean to someone who likes life very ordered and routine? I can't imagine it is going to get easier. But I am up for the task through the help of God's good grace. Who says orderly, routine, and clean is any fun? I think I must change my expectations, to spontaneous, chaotic and messy. I bet I will meet those with flying colors.
I been thinking a lot about this new birth. I am hoping it will change me for the better or I should say that God will use this pregnancy and new life to make me more like Him. I get caught up a lot into my routine and change is very hard on me. I make it hard on myself, to be honest. I like to buck change, flee from it and ignore it. So to think that this new life was unexpected, it's bringing about a whole a lot of change and anxiety. For me, change means I will have stop my agenda and adhere to something new and unknown. I will have to work at it and adapt. A very wise friend wrote the following to me in an email... "There is a microscopic bundle of protoplasm growing inside you and right at this minute, cells are amazingly finding their correct spots to grow to become toes and lungs and hair follicles and eyes. He doesn't need your help to make this happen; He simply wants you to "be" so He can do the work." (FYI, God is the "He")
I don't have to do anything, so to speak, for this new life to grow. I can rest in Him and allow Him to create another one made in His image.
That's all, it's almost my bedtime.

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Our life.... said...

Yeah for the littlest Uber! Well said sista! New life all around ;) Love the quote, thanks for reminding me of that....all in His hands, safest place to be.

....praying for little Ubie ;)

Caroline said...

meredith, congratulations on your new little one. I almost said little man, but you don't know that yet. I was just influenced by the other two cuties in your house. I enjoy peeking in every now and then and I was beginning to wonder if furniture market got the best of you! I'm glad to know it didn't, and that your reason for being away was WAY better!

Monique said...

Max and I are so excited for you all. A new Uber! And so well timed for the new arrival of the new Morgan! As far as the rest of your post, personally I find chaos and mess to be kind of exciting. At least this is what I tell myself when I come home and the cats have dragged all my socks out into the living room and spread them around.

Darcy @ m3b said...

Oh my goodness, Meredith! Congratulations!

I just saw your news on your sister's blog - she is finally up in my design queue. And her blog said to come read your news.

Waaahoooooo! I'm so happy for you.

Happy Mother's Day,

Sarah said...

Hi Meredith,

I know you probably don't know me by name but we go to Grace together and we serve in the nursery across from you guys-I know we know each other from seeing each other! I am Caroline (comment #2)'s sister and friends with many gals you know!

Anyway, congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting! Your boys are adorable!

I am pregnant as well, with our first, and about 2 weeks behind you guys- I start week 9 today. I have been sitting at church thinking, "I wonder who else is pregnant around here- I guess I will know who I will be pregnant 'with' in a few months"...so I suppose we will be on about the same track!

I'll say hi next time I see you, and before too long, maybe the baby bump will make it obvious!

Sarah Iseley

emily freeman said...

YAY! Welcome to the world of 3. I'm so glad to hear the news. Will you post on your blog the gender since this is my only connection with you anymore?! That is, if you plan to find out. I can't wait to hear more about the pregnancy and the little one...