Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Picture

There will not be a picture but I do want to give you a visual of "can you imagine"...
Marschall had preschool today and I was going to come home and take it easy with Garrett. When we drop off the boys we don't have to take them inside, we just pull up and they hop out. I decided that I wouldn't have to get dressed, it would be a quick trip and I would be home before I knew it. I would only see the director and I was okay with that. So this is a little glimpse to what I looked like...
I had just rolled out of bed, I had on Pete's huge white t-shirt, velour gray workout pants, pink slippers with tacky little rhinestones and my hair pulled back into a mess. Keep in mind I am 8 months pregnant, it takes a lot for me to look pulled together when I am trying. I had spilled coffee down the front of my shirt and had no underneath support on, if you get my drift. I looked beautiful to someone that was half blind and 100 meters away.
We had plenty of time, however we got stuck behind a small wreck. I started to get a little nervous, starting to get anxious of being late. As I was pulling up to the church there was no one around in the car pool line.... no one. I started saying aloud "OH,no, Oh no, this cannot happen, what am I going to do!" Marschall started getting really concerned, I couldn't even address him at this point. I was thinking if I have to take him inside I will die.... just die.
As I peeled a wheel into the car pool line, I was frantically thinking maybe Marschall could just stand there and beat on the door until someone came out. Then my Hallelujah moment happened, the director came out of the door towards my van, (it was like slow motion) and all my fears of vanity washed away.
Whew, I still have on my lovely outfit, I have til 12:45 to make myself look presentable.

1 comment:

Our life.... said...

gosh you're funny....