Friday, October 31, 2008

If Only I Brought My Own Chair.....

Well, It's that time of year again. Parties galore..... and not the fun adult kind, the preschool kind. My disclaimer..... So you won't think that I'm a horrible mom or just a brat in general, I blame it on the pregnancy.
Garrett had his first preschool party that the parents were invited to. Oh yah! (that is sarcastic) We were invited 1 hour and 15 minutes before preschool was over. (that is precious time to a mom of 2 and huge with child) We were asked to bring our own lunch and come to his class room. All I could imagine was sitting scrunched for 1 hour 15 minutes in their tiny tiny little chairs bringing on one contraction after another. I asked(pleaded) Pete to go, but he was out of town today, I was out of luck. I spent my preschool morning getting ready, packing my lunch and heading back over to the school I just came from almost 2 1/2 hours ago. Pete suggested that I bring one of our green fold up camping chairs. Seriously!? Men are so different. Can you imagine me, 8 months pregnant hauling in my own chair to sit in because I'm too big for theirs? I laughed right in his face and he began to say I was being vain and I said "actually, your right, in this instance, I will say that I am too vain to bring in my extra large chair for my extra large pregnant booty". I will sit and suffer and act like I am thrilled to be there. ( I know, can you say "Bitter... table for one?") Any how, I came, we ate, I was "there" for my youngest. All is well and I didn't go into labor.
I can't wait til next month... Thanksgiving pilgrim parties for two of them and then there is Christmas and then Valentines then Easter. It's never going to end... I guess it's kind of ironic, once they get older they will be invited to parties and won't want me there and I will be trying to spy and find a way to be involved and squeeze into some place to check on them.

1 comment:

Our life.... said...

did you at least get a cookie?

just think, you won't be big for too much longer....and mom and i were talking today, you really are small we think! remember with marschall....ha, your haircut? ha, i don't know why i still laugh at were my inspiration to not have short hair during pregnancy ;) KNOW it was funny ;)