Thursday, May 18, 2006

Drug Money

I am always looking for ways to save money. Let me clarify, looking for ways to save money on things I hate spending money on.
We work from a cash budget, meaning, we allot a certain amount of money every two weeks when Pete is paid and once that money is up, we are done with spending. (Sometimes, it doesn't work out that perfectly but it helps us keep on track and there are usually a few discussions every so often on why we need more money in each category) On the whole, it seems to works for us. I am usually the one who handles all the weekly budgeting and spending, so I am always trying to figure out where we can pull money from one category and spend more in another ~ (usually my hair color fund:), just kidding~
Pete recently found out that his monthly allergy prescription has gone up to $50.00 a month. That's a lot and that's not fun for either of us to spend money on. So I did some researching and calling our insurance to see what options there were. There really weren't any. Pete is miserable without this medicine. I did a google search to read up on allergies. I found this web-site, I know it seems a little weird. But I checked it out and they have a generic form of the same medicine that he uses. It seems pretty legit. Get this, a three-month supply for $30.00, including shipping! That's what I'm talking about!
We will see how it compares and works for him. Hopefully, there won't be any terrible side effects ~
Just thought I would pass along some money saving ideas. Some people share coupons; I tell you how you can access cheap foreign drugs.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! really!?!i'm torn on how to reply....part of me is with you 100% to take money from one pot, so you can get your hair done ;) (must be in our genes!)....but on the other hand, i have to stick up for our pharmaceutical companies in the USA, well, because they pay my bills!...i know drug costs are high sometimes, but you are paying for research, trials, and just manpower to make the drugs! :) drug companies work hard, and for all those out there who think they are over charged...pull it together... i'd rather know my drug is safe and effective, and been through proper trials!....hope pete stays around.... ;) love you sis! joy

Meredith Uber said...

I blame it mostly on the insurance companies~ not the drug companies. You know sometimes you have to make a choice on what you get for your money. How's that mazda treating you? :)

Anonymous said...

oh my mazda is fine....but hard to find time to drive it when always working hard at work ;) ohhhhh :)