Sunday, May 21, 2006

When Two Became One…

I had this feeling all weekend that I was forgetting something; I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I had both the boys while Pete went white water rafting with the church men’s group. We all had a really good weekend. The boys were great. I think I kept my patience at a pretty good level. I even watched a good chick flick that I knew Pete would have no interest in. Pete had fun too; no injuries and he got thrown out of the raft twice, (which sounded like a positive thing when he told the story).
However, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that a part of me was missing. I think time apart is good. I thought I would be missing all the help that he gives, especially around bedtime. I got through the entire bedtime rituals just fine. I really did appreciate just having special moments with Marschall and Garrett by ourselves.
I realized, though, it was more of Pete’s company I missed, the late night of just being together. A lot times we just sit in the same room doing different things. I realize now, what I treasure, is his presence. It was funny, as soon as he walked in the door at 3:00pm today, I couldn’t wish any harder that it was time for the boys to go to bed.
I fear that time will take its’ toll. The kids will need our undivided attention with school needs, activities, etc. I hate to believe that someday they will go to bed later than we will. It’s a reality. I sure hope that we will always long for moments in just “being together” as time moves on and life gets in the way. Time apart is good; you know that old saying… it makes the heart grow fonderJ.


mattkimuber said...

what a wonderfully sweet entry. It made me tear up. Matt and I are experiencing more time apart as school schedule picks up. The kids have become more of a focus but it is such a blessing to be married to my closest friend and brother in Christ. I too never want to lose that intimacy. What you and Pete have together blesses those around you.

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