Thursday, May 11, 2006

“Rolling with the Punches”

I am not one who likes “Rolling with the Punches” or “Making Lemons out of Lemonade”. I have the philosophy of “Where there is a Will there is a Way”.

Today was a Marschall pre-school day. He goes two mornings a week and I have my routine down to a science. When it is all said and done, I have about 2.5 hours of real time to get something done, cleaned or bought with only one child in tow. I was out the door to take Marschall to school. Everyone was loaded up; Garrett’s diaper bag, Marschall’s school bag, my gym stuff, my purse, you get the idea). It takes some coordination to get out the door! Especially at 8:45 am. However,today, I was stopped in my tracks, literally.

Earlier this morning I had been looking everywhere for my keys and I finally found them in the ignition. Yea! I figured I had left them in the car since yesterday. I was thankful to find them and thankful that the car was not stolen either. Like I said I was stopped in my tracks so you see where this might be going… yeah, my battery was dead from leaving the keys in the car all night. Again,thankfully it was just dead and not stolen. I have had my car stolen before and to have it happen again would be one time too many.

Anyway, Pete had already left for the day to travel in the Raleigh area. My first thought, “oh gosh to be trapped at home all day with no transportation!” Then I became disgusted by the fact that it was my fault I left the keys in the car. Usually, I have someone else to blame, but not today. I get real frustrated when plans don’t go accordingly, (that’s a nice way of putting it). I will try to problem solve until I see there is no absolute way. I immediately thought of my gracious retired father-in-law. I thought, he always says he would be glad to help. I put him to the test! Thankfully, he came and jump-started the car. After he got it going I was only running about 30 minutes late. Marschall got to school and I got what I needed to get done.

I use to get real bent out of shape when circumstance would interrupt my daily plans. It's usually just the little, irritating stuff; like a dead battery. But after having children; I’m now surprised when things actually can work out when there is a bump in the road. Today was one of those days.... or I should say it was one of those mornings, who knows what the rest of the day will entail!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No truer words could have been spoken by Meredith Marschall Uber. You've been this way since birth. Isn't it amazing though how children will change a person? (for the better!) Look how thankful you were! Tom to the rescue! love, mom