Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What do to next?

This phrase is a constant mantra going on in my head. Whether I’m thinking what household chore I should do next or what life –impacting decision to make. I feel as though I make one decision and move right on to the next. I realize I probably miss out on a lot of personal growth and even better choices if I would have just prayed and waited.
Obviously, I am not talking about doing the next load of laundry. We were at a church meeting tonight that discussed opportunities for growing our facilities. One of the men on the church’s leadership team kept talking about reasons for pause, taking a step back. At first, I thought it to be kind of strange because our whole point of growing our facility is to help us with our current needs of space (which anyone who visits would ask “why would you feel the need to pause, can’t you see it NEEDS to be done?”). During the meeting, the answers were obvious why we should pause/re-evaluate. However, if we just pushed our way through and kept moving forward on the original vision, we could easily end up with enormous debt, amongst other detrimental factors. On top of that, I think they came up with a more economical and purposeful way of “growing” our church.
I am amazed at the ways I press on and trudge through different decisions in my own life. I feel as though if I am told no or something stops me, I will find a better way to make it happen. Our culture is “gotta have it now”. It’s almost like an adrenaline rush, to see what I can do to make it happen now and show the world that I can’t be stopped.
Then every so often, I am reminded of the verse that says, be still and wait. Doesn’t that sound restful and inviting? However, I have the hardest time of being still and waiting when making decisions. I’m afraid I am going to miss out or someone is going to “get what is mine”. Looking over past decisions, if I had waited and prayed, I can see how a better solution/option would have presented itself. I find it odd that I have a firm foundation in the Lord, yet I seem to be afraid, I will miss out if I can’t orchestrate things appropriately in a fast-like manner. I am trying to learn that I always don’t have to be figuring out what to do next. I can learn a lot with being still. On top of that, with waiting on the Lord, I can trust He will bring His best before me. I just need to pause and listen.


Anonymous said...

I am nodding my head, "yes" as I'm reading your blog today, remembering how I still struggle with the phenomenon of waiting on Him. Let's remind each other He is worthy of our, mom

Anonymous said...

yeah, and the power of the waiting is still and---- know that I AM GOD Ps46:10


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.