Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Do I dare share?

I saw Mickey Mouse last night.....I'm not talking about Minnie's companion.

First off, I am a very clean and somewhat organized person. We live in a house that is only 3 years old. It is on a slab foundation. My pantry is organized, there is no food on the floor. My drawers have stuff in them but are not dirty. Tell me how this happened? I don't know. This is my story and if you ask me about in public, I'll be sure to deny it.

Last night, trauma hit my world at around 9:30pm. I was coming down stairs to get some ice cream for us. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye scatter under our sofa. Yes, our sofa in our living room. I really thought it may have been a moth or some bug!? I ran up and got Pete. Thankfully, he takes me seriously, for the most part. He lifted our sofa and moved it around. Sure enough a mouse ran under the ottoman. (Not nice words were coming from my mouth.) If we were on live TV or a reality show, there definitely needed to be a 7 second delay or some beeps. Seems like there were some crumbs of goldfish, crackers, cookies etc. that Mickey found. Next question, did we catch him? NO!!!! The only thing we can figure out; there was a hole in the underneath part of the ottoman and we think he got up in there. Needless to say the ottoman is in the garage probably with the rest of his family. I don't care if we never have another ottoman. Pete said he would take apart the ottoman to make sure it was clean and no other burrows. I thought that's fine, we now have seat for the garage and it can stay in the garage! He is coming home for lunch today with traps and to figure out where Mickey found a way into the "Promise Land". I was tempted not to post this... but this is my life, uncensored ;) Pete got a good look at him and said he was very small. Is that suppose to make me feel better?! I think not. That's it, we have a mouse, we think we got him back outside. Who knows for sure? I slept great last night wondering if even a little mouse could make it upstairs. I decided there was no way and we will leave it at that, (unless he knows we have leftover dishes of ice cream on our nightstands).


Monique Boucher said...

Would you like to borrow a cat or two? It will solve your problem in no time...

Our life.... said...

OH MAN! Oh man, oh man, oh man. Doesn't get worse than a mouse in your house, not worse....and small ones are even worse. I didn't have the guts to post about our little friends a couple months ago, but I admit, we had 2....that's two....we caught in our kitchen. Sick, huh? Took 2 days to catch them, I would wake up each morning and go to the kitchen first thing and look....sure enough saw the little turd - almost threw up when I saw it. Worst part, one was stuck in the trap and was not dead. WHAT!! Jonathan had to take it out back and stomp on it....yes, mouse guts in the back yard. I had to reshelve all the cabinets, clean under the sink. Felt like we lived in the city dump or something. I threw away nice utensils because I didn't want to even deal with washing them because I thought the little mickies had touched it. I kind of live in "fear" they will come back....I mean, we don't bother them, why do they think they are welcome in our house???

beth said...

Sounds like ya'll are going on -"The Great 2008 'Ratatouille' Safari"...happy hunting.


emily freeman said...

i actually wondered about the ice cream dishes on the night stand...funny you mentioned it. i'm so glad you posted this. way to keep it real, girl.