Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I open the door and it is Oprah......

Exciting huh, ? No, she really didn't come. However, if she gave me a surprise visit, I am pleased with how my house looks. Sometimes, I think about her shows where she pops in on people and that in itself gives me motivation to clean on a regular basis. 85 % of the time I would be mortified if anyone gave me a surprise visit!
Pete is at his basketball game so I gave into cleaning and organizing. (My organizing just means I actually folded all the laundry and put it away, but it counts.)
Usually, once we put the kids to bed, I don't lift another finger do to housework. I know this should be the time to get the most accomplished. But, when 7:30pm rolls around, it is my maxing and relaxing time. Believe me, I take full advantage.
However, tonight, Pete is playing in a late basketball game and he won't be home until 10:45. So, I decided to give myself over to the 4 loads of laundry that were on our guest bed, empty the dishwasher and straighten until I felt like if my friend Oprah decided to pop in to give me a room makeover,(with cutie pie Nate Burkas ), I would let them in.
All that said, please don't think I am on my high horse of feeling better than thou, having my house clean for a night, remember the mouse incident? Enough said.
I feel like I have to keep the house in tip top shape so we won't have any more uninvited visitors. As I look back, since Mickey's death, our family seems to be benefiting from that little buggard; spotless floors, laundry's put away, straightened living room. Now that I think about it, maybe, just maybe, Pete invited Mickey in for a reason....


Monique said...

If Oprah came by our place right now she would find two cats ripping open the dry food bag with their claws, and two days worth of dishes in the sink. I think we will just move. It's easier than cleaning.

Meredith Uber said...
