Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Wild Nights

So it has been almost 10 nights that our two and half year old has not woken up during the night, (minus one night). I do have hope. It's been a great week and a half, energy wise. I feel like the dark circles I have had for two and half years may start to diminish. However, last night was a different story. Garrett played a trick on us....and not a very funny one. I think he knows what he did and even snickered to himself at midnight last night. As midnight rolled around, we went from being dead asleep to both of us sitting straight up in bed. We basically begin arguing over what sound it is we are hearing. It was a sound that had a certain pitch and beat. It was high pitched, it was loud and it was not going away. We figure it out it was an alarm clock. In the past, we have never really used it for it's alarm capability. You know why we have not used it for it's alarm? Because we never could remember how to set it. We would inadvertently set it for "naps" and it would go off during the day and give me a heart attack, then in the mornings we would sleep through the time we needed to get up. Since then we have just set our TV alarm and have woken up to that.
We couldn't figure out how to stop it other than hitting snooze which is what Pete did at first and then we woke up again 5 minutes later. (I am still holding on to a little anger this morning as I type this.) After 5 more minutes of arguing and both of us trying to stop the madness; I find myself under our bed trying to unplug the blasted the thing. As I am reaching for the alarm cord as Pete is wiggling it, of course, I unplug the lamp at first and not the alarm cord, so I can't see what I am doing. Finally, get back in bed, my heart is racing like none other. As I am lying in bed trying to get down from my adrenaline high I am realizing that our sweet little babe had been hanging out in our room with Pete earlier. He must have have been pushing buttons and set the alarm for us at midnight. I guess he figured I still needed to get up even though he didn't want to be my alarm anymore.

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Our life.... said...

that little boy! that is a hoot!

....sounds like you are just as "pleasant" in the middle of the night as you were growing up ;)

The Nester said...

emily told me about this and i had to come read it for myself! Too funny!

also, i am such a dork--i saw your ebay stuff on the side and saw the black earrings and necklace and at first it looked like a ghost, made out of a sheet. if you look at it really quick like.