Thursday, February 09, 2006

"AHHHH, 8:00pm"

There's nothing like bedtime, is there? I've had a glass of wine, some chocolate, the house is straightened, minus the 3 loads of laundry I have to fold on the guest bed. That's what the door is for, you know? Out of site out of mind!
I used to really like bedtime. I knew my husband and I would have the night to ourselves. But since September, I have been a little on eggshells, waiting for my 5 month old to stir. He has yet to stay down once I put him down at 7:30pm. Oh well, it won't last forever. I keep telling myself that. Surely, he won't be doing this, this time next year. It's funny, I tell myself "If only he would sleep better, If only he would use the potty, If only he would be quiet while we're in the car. I think it was my mom that said, once they get older it will be something else. Always something, It's taken me almost 3 years to realize children don't come in a nice little wrapped up package with the batteries included. What the heck is it going to be like when they are 13, 16, 20? I bet we will be wishing we just have to clean up poop from the carpet! What a great responsibility we have as moms and dads! It reminds of the verse in the Bible from Philippians "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It sure would be hard to do all this by yourself. I know sometimes I try and I have the worse days. I better wrap this up,you won't believe this but, he, my 5 month old has woken up and has been crying for about 10 minutes.


Anonymous said...

please teach them that buffalo do not have little wings.

Anonymous said...

Wow Meredith, Way to go! I am encouraged by your thoughts as I have many of the same, except sometimes have a harder time seeing and experiencing the joy in motherhood and homemaking. Thanks for reminding me of the Truth! I look forward to more entries!

Meredith Uber said...

Thanks Wendy, Oh I don't see the joy everyday but I am thankful the Lord has given me an overall sense of joy. I mean sometimes my joy is passing the kids off to Pete and running out the door to the store or for coffee:) haha