Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just Some Advice…

Everyone accounted for? This is always a good question to ask yourself when you have more than one child. Marschall, Garrett and I were at McDonalds meeting some friends a while back. We had a fun time. Marschall behaved for the most part, Garrett stayed sound asleep and it was nice. It was time to go, Marschall and I were saying good-bye and we were on our way out the door and I hear this chirp from the corner. Uhhh, yeah, I forgot my 2 month old in the corner of McDonalds. Cool mom. I about had heart failure. Now, obviously I didn’t get far. But now, every time I get in the car, I look in my rear view mirror and make sure all are accounted for!


Melissa said...

That is sooo funny! I'm know that you're one of many who've had this happen! And I'm sure I'll be asking that, too, once we have the new little one! =)

Anonymous said...

just make sure you don't leave him on top of the car,in his carrier, after you load the groceries. :-)
