Tuesday, June 24, 2008

7 years of Bliss and 1 year of so so

It is our 8 year anniversary! Yea us!. The title is kind of an inside joke between Pete and I. When people would ask his uncle how long he and his wife had been married, he would reply "35 of years of bliss and 4 years of so so". It's the truth isn't? If your honest, every minute of marriage is not bliss, there are some days or maybe weeks that add up that aren't the best. My thought is, if you didn't have the so so times or even the dreadful times in marriage you couldn't cherish the pure moments of bliss with each other when they do occur.
So here's to many more years my love and I'll even take the so-so times with you ;)
Since it is a Tuesday, which I do not like celebrating big occasions during the week. We will be celebrating on Saturday, nothing too grandiose, I don't think, but definitely a night out. Pete is arranging the baby-sitting and if that falls through I will add that day to the so so part of our anniversary count.


Our life.... said...

Yeah to yall!! 8 years....what in the world!?! Yall's marriage is such an encouragment...the blissful and so-so times too ;)

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Meredith and Pete! Do you have any wedding photos to post? :) Have a wonderful time on Saturday!